Saturday, May 11, 2024

Aurora Photos

Yesterday night, the aurora didn't start promisingly.  This was the view about 10 pm:

My iPhone picked up a little bit of green, but not much.  But then, when I went outside again about 11 pm, this is what I saw:

Absolutely amazing.  Best aurora I've ever seen - better even than the time I went to Iceland to try to see it.  Obviously the colors on the iPhone are not what you see in reality - but you could still see white streaks in the dark sky, like streaks of sunshine between clouds on a cloudy day.  And at it's peak, I'm sure I could see tinges of red and green in the sky just with my eyes.  Considering I was just taking photos with my crappy old iPhone 11 from my deck and without a tripod or anything, quite pleased with how they turned out.  We've still got clear skies, so there's a chance of seeing more of the same tonight as well.

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