Monday, August 5, 2019


As I was sorting though some photos that I had downloaded onto my computer over the weekend, I was wondering why I bothered.  Once I’ve deleted the duplicates and crappy shots, I’ll probably never look at them again.  I think of all the photos that I’ve taken over the last 5/10 years, and they’re just sitting unseen on either my current laptop, my old laptop or an external hard drive (at least I remembered to copy them onto that from various even older computers).  And as I read stories about, or even actually see, various tourist locations being ruined by “Instagram Influencers” or selfie-takes, I despair.  I think I am guilty of taking too many photos – and I think it does ruin my enjoyment and experience of wherever I am and whatever I’m doing, particularly places new and exotic.  So I think I will make a conscious effort to cut down.  The problem is that the cameras on smart phones are so advanced now that you don’t need a dedicated camera any more.  I hardly ever use mine now – it is just so easy, too easy, to pull out your phone and take a quick photo that is of perfectly acceptable quality.  My god, you can even make a feature film using just your phone.  I think I can honestly say I preferred life before smartphones – from the art of photography to the printing out of driving directions to the lack of distraction via social media, texts, news alerts, mobile games, etc.  I’m increasingly turning into a technophobe.

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to reprise the Luddite actions of the 19th Century & smash up Apple stores ?
