Saturday, August 10, 2019

Brain Freeze

Well, this is embarrassing/depressing/disturbing.  I'm sitting at home typing this around 9 pm, and it has suddenly dawned on me that I had a ticket for a summer concert tonight.  Absolutely slipped my mind until just now - and far too late to make my way there now.  Admittedly I bought the ticket a long time ago, but no excuse.  Who was I going to see?  Actually was more interested in the supporting act than the main act.  The main act was Elvis Costello - someone who I am a little bit indifferent to, but I think would've been good to see live.  But the supporting act I was really looking forward to seeing was Blondie - classic and one of my favorites.  But alas it is not to be.  I don't know what state the concert grounds would have been - it was being held outside at some amphitheater attached to a winery, but it's been raining most of the day - sometimes heavy and stormy - so I imagine it was a bit of a mud bath.  But still, I would have gone if I had remembered earlier in the day.  So that sucks.     

1 comment:

  1. you are aware of the existence of iCal ?
    (or whatever the Windows equivalent is if applicable)
