Sunday, October 8, 2017

Staying Positive in a Negative World

Dare I say it, I feel like I might be running out of steam on these blog posts.  I so don't want to get too negative, but it is tough when there are so many things that make my blood boil - Trump, the NRA, England performances, and so on.  Yes, I realize that some of these things are not quite as important as others - but ultimately they all come together to form a world that I don't really understand and don't really like.  This is the first time I've really questioned living in America, but despite current events I still believe this is a great country that will eventually correct itself.  It's not like I want to move back to the UK - I think Brexit, in whatever form it takes, is going to be an absolute disaster.  But I think and hope that the Trump administration is just an aberration that we can quickly move on from in 4 years time (or less!).  But still, to get Trump elected in the first place has made me question humanity like never before.  And I've never liked humanity - but this is on a whole different level then the many, many small things that people do that drive me crazy.  I wish I was strong enough of personality and courage to actually do something to make the world a better place.  But sadly, I am just too apathetic like most people.  Perhaps we deserve the world we live in.  

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